Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2342: The Porn Addiction Solution With Sathiya Sam



His background and how he got into the field of pornography. (1:57) The silent epidemic of pornography. (3:49) Tapping into something that is so biologically wired into us. (8:43) The deeper the hooks go, the harder it is to get out of it. (10:29) How this can mold a child’s brain. (13:58) At what moment did he notice a problem and how did he stop? (17:02) Is there an archetype that tends to be addicted? (20:06) What’s on the other side of this? (21:17) Porn vs. video game addiction. (23:38) What drives someone to stop? (27:40) Why porn is an intimacy disorder. (30:39) The 3 Pillars of Recovery. #1 - Emotional fitness. (32:19) #2 – Transformation of the heart. (33:03) #3 – Identity shifting. (33:30) How the things that we watch bring clues to our trauma. (34:36) The need for more protection for minors. (40:48) The four major effects on the brain. (44:47) Porn and ADHD. (48:50) Common triggers connected to pornography addiction. (49:49) The pressure on women with body