In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 1: The Parent Revolution



It’s no secret that our government-run public education system has held generations of Americans hostage. The teachers unions—the government’s stormtroopers—have been hard at work running a mass misinformation campaign to convince parents that because this is how it has always been, this is how it has to be. But here’s what you may not realize: the parents are winning, and we have entered the death spiral of the education dictatorship. The school choice revolution is here, and moms and dads are successfully restoring parental rights in education, one state, one school district at a time. Our guest, America’s most prominent and influential advocate of school choice, unapologetically argues why parents and political leaders must lean into the culture war taking place in schools. He exposes the hypocritical elites who are content to hold other people’s children captive to poorly run government schools while sending their own children to the best private and charter schoo