In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 2: Misled



For an anxious and weary world, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the one true source of deep peace and lasting joy. But today, many supposedly Christian teachers are spreading ideas that amount to what Paul called "another gospel." The result? A generation of believers confused about what God really says, what He offers, and what He wants for his children. From the heavy burden of legalism to an overemphasis on prosperity or spiritual gifts to warped understandings of grace, every false teaching has two things in common: they all use half-truths that look and sound biblical (making them very difficult to identify) and they all harm and discourage those who are trying to follow the way of Jesus. Our guest will share the painful consequences of following false teachings and will provide clear explanations of what the Bible really teaches about the Gospel. He will bring clarity and hope to anyone who has felt discouraged or confused in their spiritual journey—and will invite us to discover everything we&rsquo