Drew And Mike Podcast

The Drew Lane Show – February 20, 2024



Mike Wolters joins the show in-studio, Detroit’s Dirty Show a Public Freakout fight to remember, Drew Crime, Erica Francis’ comment creepers, and we try to discuss the Rolling Stone’s Top 500 Songs of All Time but get distracted. Mike Wolters joins us live in studio. It’s not always great to brag about your career on social media. Drake totally leaked his own nude. Lisa Sparks is a champion. Old White Man vs Angry Black Woman: Who Ya Got? Drew is not a fan of Joe Matarese. Neither is Karl and company. Ford cuts the Mustang Mach-E price by $8.1K. America’s EV boom has gone bust. California sucks. Drew Crime: Two police officers and a paramedic were killed by an asshole in Minnesota. A Tennessee officer was murdered in a small town. Not everyone should be a police officer. The was a shooting in Colorado Springs by a Detroit area man. Jason Carr Drive rolls on. Erica Francis has a lot of creepers in her comment section. Hey Erin Moriarty, why you look different? Farrah looks gnarly too. Rolling Stone’s T