Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Ep. 029: Interview Secrets Every New Graduate Needs to Know (Don Raskin)



College graduation season is just around the corner and departing seniors will find themselves in a strong job market. According to the Wall Street Journal, the class of 2016 may experience the best job market ever for Millennials. A survey cited by the Journal says that this year employers plan to increase hiring of new college graduates by 15%.  That’s good news for this year’s new graduates. But no matter how low the unemployment rate, you still have to interview successfully to get the job... This week on “Find Your Dream Job” we’re talking about what recent college graduates need to know to nail their job interviews. Mac talks to Don Raskin who has written a book aimed at new and recent graduates that shares interview secrets and other tips you can use in a job search no matter where you are in your career. In this 35-minute episode you will learn: Why knowing your key facts (including salary requirements) is key in interviewing How to position yourself in an interview and why you are the best can