Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

How to Create a Thriving Career, with Jen Anderson



When you begin a job search, it’s important to know what makes you stand out from the crowd of applicants. Knowing what makes you unique helps employers see how you can help them and allows you to figure out where you will thrive. But how do you discover what makes you unique? Find Your Dream Job guest Jen Anderson says you need to ask yourself some key questions. What are you good at? What do you do for fun? What do people ask you for help with? Employers hire problem solvers. When you step back and get clear on what sets you apart, you will be one step closer to finding a career that allows you to thrive. About Our Guest: Jen Anderson is a career strategist and coach. She teaches at Portland Community College and the University of California at Davis. Jen is also the author of the book, “Plant Yourself Where You Will Bloom: How to Turn What Makes You Unique into a Meaningful and Lucrative Career.” Resources in This Episode: Want to know if your next career dream is what you should actually pursue? Get