Yoga | Birth | Babies

Do’s and Don’ts for Doulas: Understanding Scope of Practice



Today’s conversation was inspired by a webinar I did with the Birth Institute, originally intended for birth workers. However I found the community discussion we had to be very inspiring and believe that expectant parents and birth workers alike will enjoy this episode. When it comes to supporting women in labor, doulas have a very specific scope of practice. As professional doulas, it is important for us to remember which activities are appropriate for us to engage in with clients, and which are not. In this talk, I share how we can use good judgement to ensure that we create a positive discourse with other care providers, and ensure that the value of doulas continues to be respected. I review the “Do’s and Don’ts” of the doula, outlining exactly what falls within the doula’s scope of practice, providing examples of when a doula is stepping beyond her role, and giving ideas for how to tactfully hold those boundaries. Get the most out of each episode by checking out the show notes with links, resources and o