Yoga | Birth | Babies

Pre & Postpartum Fertility with The 5th Vital Sign



In this episode of “Yoga | Birth | Babies,” I speak with 5th Vital Sign’s co-founders, Emily Varnam and Kelsey Knight. This conversation is circling around the importance of understanding your body to understanding your fertility. We dive deep into reproductive health and signs of peak fertility and meet up on the other side with postpartum fertility. Hope you enjoy! In this episode:  What drew Kelsey and Emily to this line of work. What is the 5th vital sign and how they originated the idea? The reproductive health climate Emily and Kelsey are seeing in their classes and at speaking events. The base of knowledge the average person already has about their own reproductive health. When to start to look for their “normal.” Important observations people can start to look for and learn about their body in preparing for trying to conceive. Lifestyle changes to consider when trying to conceive. Signs of Prime fertility. Paper or app- what is the best way to chart basil body temperature. How conscious brea