Yoga | Birth | Babies

Community Birth Story: Getting Past A Bumpy Start with Soul Camp’s Michelle Goldblum



Not every entrance into parenthood is easy and joyful with a soundtrack of birds singing blissfully as you walk carefree through the park. You may even mutter under your breath, “This is really f**king hard, what have I done?” In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak openly with co-founder of Soul Camp and Soul Camp Creative, Michelle Goldblum. In this refreshing conversation Michelle honestly opens up about the challenges she faced the first few months of her son’s life and how she found her way to enjoying and embracing motherhood. Friendship and connection were a major support for Michelle as she found her stride in motherhood. Many new parents will be able to relate to Michelle’s struggles and perhaps feel comforted in knowing they are not feeling alone with these feelings. “Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, “What! You too?” I thought I was the only one.” C.S Lewis In this episode:  A little about Michelle and how she got started to get into the health and wellnes