Drew And Mike Podcast

The Drew Lane Show – February 26, 2024



DJ Khaled v. sand, Where is Wendy Williams?, NCAA court storming, stupid SAG Awards, more SNL Shane Gillis fallout, Joran van der Sloot conjugal visits, a fart-less colonoscopy, and Show Court: Drew v. BranDon. Trudi has returned from her drug-running vacation. Just so you know, Drew is a snorkeler. BranDon is in trouble over his time-off habits leading to a Show Court trial. If Joe Biden doesn’t run for president… who should run in his place? Rashida Tlaib is not happy with Joe. The elite Emerson College has a lot of famous alumni. Jerry Seinfeld apparently has to answer for the crimes of Israel. Social media is finally catching up to making fun of Bradley Cooper. The SAG Awards were a thing Saturday night. Jennifer Aniston had a giant ring on her hand. Barbara Streisand bored everyone and made some cry. Where has Anne Hathaway been? The headlines weren’t too kind to Shane Gillis following his SNL appearance. Audience members popped off on the World Wide Web. People know who frosty Maddie Rice is now