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Don't Want You in My Mind - Spouse's Parents Don't Like Me - Most Important Relationship Lessons - Standing in Other's Shoes



That person just keeps popping into your head - someone you don't like. They are a mind-nuisance and they just won't go away. It's bad enough you see them or hear about them, but why do you have to constantly think about them?   In segment one of today's show I read a letter from a woman who can't get her husband's ex-wife out of her mind. How do you get rid of a pervasive thought? How can you finally rid yourself of that one thing you just can't seem to eradicate from your mind's eye? I have a few suggestions.   In segment two, I read another email from someone I call, "Mary". She feels condemned by her husband's mom. His mom puts her down and emotionally abuses her. No matter what Mary does, his mom won't stop.   There's a solution to this and it probably involves some hard decisions and firm stands. His mom is probably not going to change so it's up to someone else to make the change happen. After all, your marriage is your foundation and if someone is attempting to shake or destroy that foundation, it