Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2330: Nine Signs You Have an Unhealthy Relationship With Exercise



Properly applied exercise will change your life in PROFOUND ways, and vice versa with improperly applied exercise. (2:46) Speculating on why this is more common with people who have chosen fitness as a profession. (3:39) Nine Signs You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Exercise #1 - Your friends or family tell you you’re too obsessed. (6:17) #2 - When sick, injured, or run down you don’t take time off. (9:02) #3 - Doing less in the gym with equal results is less appealing to you. (11:22) #4 - Missing a day in the gym causes stress in your life. (13:55) #5 - You feel stronger when returning from forced time off. (16:32) #6 - You aren’t healthy. (22:18) #7 - You allow the mirror or scale to drive your gym routine or choice of exercise. (25:05) #8 - You take grey market substances to try and accelerate results. (28:00) #9 - You leave your workout feeling sick or having a headache. (33:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump l