Pod Of Destiny

Saying Goodbye to One of Brisbane's Best Venues w/ Frank Turner



Sam and Max are in mourning as they talk about the closure of one of the country's best music venues, the Zoo in Brisbane. They also cover some new finds and a quick spot of this or that. Then, Sam jumps on a call with British singer/songwriter Frank Turner, chatting about Frank's memories of the Zoo at his first Aussie show, what it's like making albums for himself, and how he came together with one of Australia's best bands for one of his latest singles!Over on Vinyl Club, the boys take it easy with some Late Night TV chat, reviewing one of Coldplay's best albums, and then Sam sets Max a familiar album for his homework.Connect with Frank Turner on Instagram and Facebook, and listen to his latest album "Undefeated" on Spotify and Apple Music.Discover more new music and hear your favourite artists with 78 Amped on Instagram and TikTok.