

Welcome to the ninth episode of Minisode Monday! We keep finding so many useful tactics and tips that we want to share with you, but they don't fit into the format of a regular show -- hence, Minisode Monday. If You're so Smart, Why Aren't You Happy? author and recent guest Raj Raghunathan joins us to talk about when we should go with our gut instinct to make a decision and when we should turn it over to our mind. The Cheat Sheet: Many smart and successful people think you can arrive at a better solution to any challenge or problem faced by thinking a little more about it. This leads to what Raj calls the sin of "mind addiction." When we succumb to this mind addiction, we tend to overanalyze and get into analysis paralysis -- unable to remove ourselves from a self-feeding loop that actually stops us from making a decision at all (or, in the best case, an inferior decision). Our instinct -- our gut -- packs a lot more information than we give it credit for. Evolution has given us this intrinsic command center