

The best networkers prepare for networking events in order to get the most out of them, but how do you go about preparing for a networking event, what are the do’s and don’ts of networking, and is your first impression shooting you in the foot before you even open your mouth? What to Listen For What are the do’s and don’ts of networking? How do you handle a networking event if you’re an introvert? What can you do to prepare for a networking event, and do you even need to? How can a bad (or even a neutral) first impression ruin your chances of success at a networking event and what can you do to make a fantastic first impression instead? What kind of research should you do before a networking event? How do you set yourself up for success before and/or during a networking event? How do you choose what to wear for a networking event, and what should you avoid wearing? Where should you hang out at networking events if you want to have the best chance of talking to the individuals you’re trying to meet?