Mac Admins Podcast

Episode 361: Just Us



Remember the ‘90s when Micrososft was the big bad wolf with their anti-competitive methods of pushing Internet Explorer at the expense of Netscape and other non-microsoft browsers? Now the eye of Sauron has turned on Apple and today we are going to discuss the current landscape of phones, app stores, and everything else that it seems all the tech pundits (does this make us pundits?) have an opinion on.  Hosts: Tom Bridge - Charles Edge - @cedge318 Marcus Ransom - @marcusransom Links: If you're interested in sponsoring the Mac Admins Podcast, please email for more information. Get the latest about the Mac Admins Podcast, follow us on Twitter! We're @MacAdmPodcast! The Mac Admins Podcast has launched a Patreon Campaign! Our named patrons this month include Weldon Dodd, Damien Barrett, Justin Holt, Chad Swarthout, William Smith, Stephen Weinstein, Seb Nash, Dan McLaughlin, Joe Sfarra, Nate