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(Part 2) How Gen Z Destroyed The Marketing Funnel With Lauren Petrullo



Ralph Burns and marketing maven Lauren Petrullo navigate the digital shopping aisles frequented by Gen Z and Millennials. With her Disney-honed savvy, Lauren discusses how these consumers trust algorithms more than ads and why brands must tune into digital trends to keep up. From the quirks of Gen Alpha to the power of TikTok in buying decisions, this discussion unpacks the toolbox for today’s digital marketers. Tune in to learn why understanding these tech-savvy shoppers could be the key to your brand’s next big break.Chapters:00:00:00 Kickoff with Ralph: Diving into Gen Z and Millennial Shopping Behaviors00:00:35 Lauren's Expertise Unleashed: Decoding Marketing Trends for Young Consumers00:01:44 Spotlight on Gen Alpha: Preparing for the New Frontier in Consumerism00:05:40 The Digital Marketplace: How Social Platforms and Amazon Shape Purchasing00:07:22 Tag, You're It!: The Role of Product Tagging on Instagram and TikTok00:08:45 Consumer Intelligence: How Brands Use Data to Predict and Influence Purchases00: