
Playbook #8 - How to properly resume business ops after the lockdown



Jaypee Soliman and Jujut Enriquez of Unionbank has been at the forefront of helping Filipino MSME's in digitizing their businesses. In this playbook, Jaypee and Jujut will teach us how to properly resume the operations of business to bounce back from the effect of Covid-19 in businesses. They will also share tips on how businesses can adapt after the lockdown has been lifted and how businesses can leverage banks to start recovering from the crisis that the virus brought about. They will also be sharing very useful tips for digitization of businesses that can benefit MSMEs in this playbook brought to you by Unionbank Globallinker.For show notes, go to hustleshare.comHustleshare is a proud affiliate of the Podcast Network AsiaCheckout Founders Only on these Plaforms:Youtube: Podcast: