Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

Unveiling the Spiritual Quests Within Nature Worship and Festivals-with Carl Teichrib



*Many pagans are spiritual seekers who are desperately deceived in a spiritual morass.  They are drawn to nature, God's Creation, without knowledge of God's great love and grace expressed to us in His Son-Jesus. Have you ever wondered where spiritual seekers find community and purpose outside traditional religious structures? Join Jan Markel and her guest, Carl Teichrib, a seasoned researcher of spiritual movements, as we explore the Transformational Events of festivals like Burning Man and Paganicon. These aren't your typical music events; they’re gatherings where souls entwined with broken-hearted spirituality or nature worship come together in search of healing and a higher calling. Carl's insights into these events will spotlight the intricate spiritual quests that captivate attendees and the critical role Christians play in these expanding horizons.The shifting landscape of spiritual beliefs is not confined to festivals alone; it's penetrating the heart of the Christian religion.