Spacetime With Stuart Gary

S27E48: Cosmic Cartography: Charting Dark Energy's Role in the Universe's Fate



Embark on an astronomical odyssey with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 48, as we unveil the most detailed view of the expanding universe to date. The first-year data from DESI, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument survey, is in, and it's changing the cosmic game. This groundbreaking five-year study is mapping the universe in 3D, charting the enigmatic influence of dark energy over time. Will the universe meet a chilling big freeze, or will dark energy's relentless acceleration lead to a catastrophic big rip? With precision better than 1%, DESI's data is painting a complex picture of our cosmic destiny.Then, join us in celebrating a celestial milestone as the Solar Observatory spacecraft SOHO captures its 5000th comet. SOHO's unexpected role as a prolific comet hunter has deepened our understanding of these enigmatic sun-grazers, offering insights into the sun's atmosphere and the large-scale structure of comets.Plus, we follow the Soyuz MS-24 capsule's return to Earth, bringing home a NASA astronaut and the f