Poddy Break With Tim Hawkins

S1 Ep19: 019 - Tim's Kids - Spoiled Rich Kid, Flip Phones and Hockey Talk



THE RETURN OF SPOILED RICH KID… This episode is a special one, because Tim, his kids, Spencer, Olivia (Livi), Levi, and Spencer's new bride, Keagan are all along for the ride. Spoiled Rich Kid kicks things off, and educates Caleb on bidets. Tim gets a flip phone, and gets upset when people eat his macadamia nuts. Levi's hair looks like Twitty from Even Stevens, and family friend Brock gets mauled by a house cat off camera. Spencer and his new bride, Keagan honeymoon at Disneyland and eat bad Japanese candy. Keagan gives her insights into the St. Louis Blues off season strategy, while Spencer and Tim get overly aggressive on the ice. Olivia gets a sloth for graduation, pledges her allegiance to the monarchy and cries at mean YouTube comments. Caleb and Tim get a curry in the basement of Rashpoot and talk about their trip to England. Oh, and Spoiled Rich Kid is back, if you're into that sort of thing. Tweet your little fingers off @poddybreak See Tim Live!!! - http://timhawkins.net/pages/tour-dates