The Dana Show With Dana Loesch

Monday November 20 - Full Show



Troops killed a terror cell that opened fire at Israeli forces from Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City. Elon Musk endorses an antisemitic post on X. Media Matters created accounts and gamed the X server to create false impressions for their article. Argentina elects a new conservative president. More free COVID-19 tests are available to order. Dana previews her Thanksgiving spread. Dana revisits the story of her Breitbart days when they confronted Media Matters. New footage shows Israel blowing up Hamas’ tunnels in Gaza. Foreign policy expert Stephen Yates joins us to break down APAC and Biden’s meeting with Xi.Please visit our great sponsors:All Family Pharmacy 10% with code DANA10 when you order today at Safehttps://theheadrestsafe.comUse code DANA for an exclusive $50 off. Nimi Skincarehttps://nimiskincare.comDon’t compromise. Use promo code DANA for 10% your order.Patriot Mobile FREE activation with th