She Renovates

173 - Why 50 Plus Are The Years Where The Magic Happens For Women In Renovating



50 is a magic number if you want to transform your life with renovating if my experience is anything to go by. In this episode of She Renovates I will be telling you why you need to be thinking about this and what steps you need to take to step into action. If you have the reno gene, this is for you. Our tribe absolutely thrives on the process of searching for a property, deciding what direction to take it in, and completing the renovation. There are times when it challenges our sense of perseverance, but on the whole, it is our absolute passion. So when I say you need to have the Reno gene you'll know whether you have it or not. How do I know I have the reno gene? I just can’t help myself. I keep telling myself that I'm going to have fewer projects, but I can't say no to the next project. My family have intervened. We now have a process in or whether we take on a new project or not. And I'm not the decision maker because I'm a renovation addict! Take a listen as I tell you why women in their fifties are s