She Renovates

204 - How I Made $750,000 in 30-Days with No Bank Finance Required with Bernadette Janson



In this captivating episode, Bernadette Janson, founder of The School of Renovating shows how problem-solving helped her close a recent deal that generated an impressive profit of over $700,000. Not only that, she took this seemingly impossible deal to its culmination in just 30 days, without the need to carry out a development, or get any finance! The tale starts with Bernadette’s purchase of a house and granny flat on a large block in Western Sydney, as part of a land-banking strategy with the intention to develop at a later date. Because the long-term rental return wasn’t satisfactory, Bernadette researched the property’s potential for short-term rental.  Although the property was neat and tidy but otherwise unremarkable, she listed it on Airbnb. Because of its size and location, it did very well - even accommodating a number of Olympic sporting teams. When it came time to develop the property, Bernadette found that the rules had been changed by Council, rendering her project impossible. The counci