She Renovates

212 - Property Power-Play: Unleashing Potential with A Trusted Town Planner on Your Team



In this podcast episode, Bernadette discusses the importance of having a trusted town planner on your team when engaging in property development. Our special guest, Leanne Peterson, highlights the value of finding a town planner who is experienced in property investing and shares insights into the due diligence process. Leanne emphasizes the need for a creative town planner who can uncover unique opportunities and navigate the complexities of zoning, overlays, and development regulations. She also emphasizes the significance of engaging a town planner early in the process to avoid costly mistakes and ensure successful outcomes. Leanne highlights the property development opportunities in the Hunter Valley and the potential for dual occupancy and infill development in various areas. Overall, the episode underscores the essential role of a town planner in maximizing the potential of property investments. Tune in to learn more about the ins and outs of successful joint ventures in property renovation. “I thin