She Renovates

222 - Level Up Your Renovation Game_ Enhancing Project Feasibility Skills with Bernadette Janson



Discover the essential keys to successful renovation on the She Renovates podcast. Dive into the critical skill of feasibility that extends beyond budgets, forming the foundation for renovator success. Explore the four pillars that compose a comprehensive feasibility framework: understanding the market, effective project organization, sound financial management, and technical expertise. Learn from real-life experiences to avoid pitfalls and embrace a results-driven mindset. Elevate your renovation journey, ensuring profitable outcomes and professional prowess. Listen now to master the art of renovation on the She Renovates podcast. “There is a tendency to think that feasibility is just about a budget, it is a lot more than that and it really is one of those critical skills that's a foundation of your success as renovator." -Bernadette Janson EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: 00:00 Introduction 00:50 Importance of Feasibility 02:35 Avoiding Disaster 03:43 Introducing the Feasibility Framework 04:38 A Feasibility St