Fp's The Editor's Roundtable (the E.r.)

Gita Gopinath on the Global Economy



Economics is sometimes called the “dismal science.” But the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has a surprisingly positive outlook for the U.S. economy—even if public sentiment hasn’t yet caught up. Host Ravi Agrawal discusses the state of the global economy with Gita Gopinath, the IMF’s first deputy managing director. The two begin with Gopinath’s latest essay in Foreign Policy about trade fragmentation and fears of a new Cold War.  Suggested reading: Gita Gopinath: How Policymakers Should Handle a Fragmenting World Adam Posen: America’s Zero-Sum Economics Doesn’t Add Up Adam Tooze: The IMF is an anchor adrift in a changing world economy And FP is looking for a new producer of this show. If you’d like to work with us, please check out the job description: https://foreignpolicy.com/employment-opportunities/.