She Renovates

170 - How To Use Renovating To Build A High Equity, High Cashflow Portfolio Fast



Renovating is addictive! It is easy to get sucked into the vortex of your current project with tunnel vision that can make it difficult to look towards the future. As a result, I have seen a lot of people spend a large portion of their prime years trying to build up a portfolio so they can give up their day jobs, with very little success. They lacked a future-proofing strategy. I don’t want you to find yourself in the same boat. So, In this episode of the She Renovates Podcast, I tell you how you can use renovating to build a high equity, high cashflow portfolio - fast. Passive income is the goal which means developing a long-term view of how renovating can help you achieve this. I spent many years being addicted to my projects without being strategic about my renovations business. I eventually came to realise I wasn’t getting to where I wanted to go. Over time I have learned lots of strategies to help me build wealth. Listen to the podcast to find out which strategy doesn’t work and those that do. The best