She Renovates

197 - How One Renovator’s Fast Track To Freedom Is Inspiring A Whole Community! with Lauren Maetzig



In this podcast episode, Bernadette Janson interviews Lauren Maetzig, a full-time renovator, Airbnb superhost and mother of two young children. Lauren is a force to be reckoned with, having 5 Airbnb listings and recently started renovating a dilapidated 80-year-old house on her street. In this episode, Lauren talks about her passion for sustainable design and repurposing old buildings, and shares her inspiring story of how she turned a small profit from renovating a Melbourne apartment into a property portfolio that has given her financial freedom. Bernadette and Lauren also discuss how Lauren manages her time as a busy working mother and share tips on how to succeed in the renovation business. “In the first three podcasts that I listened to of yours, I just learned so much and it was amazing. So I really wanted to do the program, like the a 100K program cause I just wanted that, tell me how to do it and I'll do it. And that's kind of what your program's like.It's just you follow these steps and you'll get