The Energy Blueprint Podcast By Ari Whitten

Top Fitness Expert | Eat & Move For Fat Loss, Increased Energy, & A Longer life! | Brian Keane



In this episode, I’m speaking with Brian Keane, Ireland’s top nutrition and exercise expert, who shares his hard-won experience with us on the best ways to move and eat for fat loss, moving and looking good as we get older, and how to have more energy every day. In this podcast, Brian and I discuss: Calories in/calories out versus hormone balancing—is one better than the other for fat loss?  If the ketogenic and carnivore diets are useful for people trying to lose weight Brian’s “fat loss prioritization pyramid” to help clients achieve their goals, and the surprising part of this plan that has nothing to do with nutrition!  The importance of your individual needs in any diet or exercise plan—every person is different, so what approach is right for you?  The best exercise strategies for fat loss, disease prevention, and increased energy…and how you can start incorporating these into your everyday life! Exercise pursuits that do NOT promote long term health but why they’re still valuable for some pe