Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#168: Amy Porterfield Takes Over!—Create a Winning Work Culture with These Trailblazing Tactics



What if the secret to doing really well in business isn't about the newest tech or the flashiest ads, but about how happy and motivated your team is? A great work culture is key to growing your business. It's what makes people want to work for you, fuels innovation, and keeps things running smoothly even when times get tough. But cultivating such a culture isn't easy, especially with the ever-evolving changes in the modern workforce and inevitable challenges in the market. So if your workplace isn’t performing at its peak, don't worry—changing things for the better is possible and well worth it.   In this week’s April Fools' episode, host Amy Porterfield takes over for Donald Miller. Amy is an online marketing expert, author of Two Weeks Notice, and owner of a thriving $100M business. And no joke, she'll show you how to make bold moves to improve your team's workplace culture. With the help of podcast producer Bobby Richards, she answers burning questions from our listeners, giving actionable advice on hot is