Brown Ambition

Ep. 67 — The Unbanking of America



Have you dumped your big bank yet? On today's show, we've got a super special guest: Lisa Servon, author of the new book "The Unbanking of America: How the New Middle Class Survives" joins us for a conversation about how payday lenders and check cashing facilities are taking the place of big banks in our neighborhoods. Lisa didn't just write about these businesses. She actually worked for months at a check cashing business in the South Bronx in New York City and a payday lender in Oakland, California, where she talked to real people using these services to find out why — and how banks have let them down. On Servon's website, she has tips on how to ditch your big bank and find banks with lower fees: Also on today's show: Suffering from an Inaugural hangover? Here's one way to feel better: Speak Up! Contact your local representatives and tell them how you feel about the direction our country is heading. We have voices. Let's use them!  Here's where to find your local reps: https