The Urban Farm Podcast With Greg Peterson

802: All About Chickens, Goats, and Sheep - A Garden Chat



802: All About Chickens, Goats, and SheepA Garden Chat with Judith Horvath.In This Garden Chat:Judith joins our Garden Chat and she shares the ins and outs of getting into raising small backyard animals. This includes goats, sheep, and chickens. In this Chat, we explore the pitfalls associated with having small animals and how to avoid them. Our Special Guest:Judith Horvath has journeyed from a white-collar business executive to hair sheep and dairy goat farmer. When COVID and global events laid bare the fragility of our food supply chain, Judith found a way to leave corporate life to concentrate solely on farming.  Today she’s helping launch a new generation of small farmers with the goal of establishing a resilient local food supply chain based on regenerative agriculture methods, rotationally grazed grass fed meats, and nutrient dense produce.  She’s on a mission to help people get started farming and be immediately successful. Need a little bit of advice or just a feedback on your des