Straight Talk With Sandra Reich

A Multi-Dimensional Approach to A Healthy You!



Do you deal with health problems? Have you ever considered that your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act? We often call this the mind-body connection”. We often see it when we talk about stress. When you are stressed, anxious, or upset, your body reacts in a way that might tell you that something isn’t right. The reverse is also true. The latest research confirms that what we do with our physical bodies can affect our mental state. The truth is our overall health and wellbeing is ALL connected from what we eat to what we do with negative energy. Join us for this episode where Maite Gomez and Sandra talk about the importance of having a healthy mind inside a healthy body! You can improve your overall health when you see the connections between physically, nutritionally, spiritually, and psychologically. We’ll talk about many different components of overall wellness including nutritional science, energy work, meditation, exercise, and (of course!) psychology.