The Unbeatable Mind Podcast With Mark Divine

Gut Check your Supplements and Thrive (with Wade Lightheart)



Mark speaks with Wade Lightheart, Cofounder of BiOptimizers. Wade is the co-founder and president at BiOptimizers, a digestive and health optimization company. He is passionate about the future of education and serves as an advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute.Wade is a 3-time Canadian national all natural bodybuilding champion who competed as a vegetarian, former Mr. Universe competitor, and host of The Awesome Health Podcast. Today, Commander Divine speaks with Wade Lightheart, a man who is revolutionizing supplementation and how to balance our physical, emotional, and energetic systems. In the episode, Wade shares his journey in discovering the key components to individual health and a positive look at the future of Gut Health and overall wellness. Wade shares his journey through a variety of landscapes, and how that mirrored his findings of why diversity is key for our soil, bodies, and education systems. Key Takeaways: Having the right mentors and teachers is essential in life. Wade desc