The Unbeatable Mind Podcast With Mark Divine

Awakening Human Consciousness (with Lion Goodman)



A lot of our beliefs have been given to us by our parents, because of their circumstances and their beliefs and their philosophy of life and their culture.    A subconscious pattern detective, belief therapist, healer of the psyche, Lion Goodman (@LionGoodman) has been known and sought after because he evokes the best in others. He is the founder and CEO of the Clear Beliefs Institute, a company dedicated to awakening, healing, and enlightening humanity so we can get on with the job of being fully human. As a coach and author Lion is working in collaboration to create a world that works for everyone to create a sustainable and thriving planetary civilization.   Lion Goodman (@LionGoodman) survived being shot 4 times in the head and came out from the experience with a deep understanding of human consciousness. He is the author of five books. His book, Clear Your Beliefs, is a guide and manual for how to uncover your subconscious drivers and step into a new system of conscious understanding.   “My favorite say