Go Green Radio

History in the Making: Governor Schwarzenegger’s Global Climate Change Summit, and Green Building with high tech solutions



Episode #21 Air Date: November 14, 2008 Episode Title: History in the Making: Governor Schwarzenegger’s Global Climate Change Summit, and Green Building with high tech solutions. Episode Description: Hasta la vista, global warming! California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is gathering an all-star cast of world leaders at his Global Climate Summit in Beverley Hills on Nov. 18-19, and YOU CAN ATTEND via webcast at uctv.tv/climate. Deputy Secretary of the California EPA, BreAnda Northcutt, will give us the inside scoop on who will be there, topics on the agenda, and the Governor’s vision for this historic event! Also joining us this week is David Fay, technology manager of Cianbro Corporation – a world leader in cutting-edge green building, building the largest green resort destination in the world…DestiNY USA. See www.cianbro.com for more information.