Go Green Radio

Baltimore Planner turned Politico…will a “Greener” City Emerge?



Otis Rolley has already made history. At 29, Rolley was the youngest director of a large city-planning department in America. He shepherded the city’s first Comprehensive Master Plan ever adopted by both the Baltimore Planning Commission and City Council. And now, he’s attempting a new historical first – to become the Mayor of Baltimore in his initial run for political office. With a background in city planning and transit, Mr. Rolley may be poised to enact the plans he crafted if he is elected. Rolley’s views on “New Urban Renewal” have environmentalists hoping that Baltimore may become a template for sustainable communities within easy driving distance for DC lawmakers to visit, then replicate elsewhere. Rolley’s campaign kick-off takes place January 11 with a dinner and show by comedian, Bill Cosby. This is definitely a campaign to watch.