Authentic Living

Spontaneous Evolution



Do you really think that what we believe makes a difference? Well this week we are going to be talking to one of the world’s scientific authorities, one who helps us bridge the gaps between science and spirit. Internationally recognized for his research on the energy that works below the level of our genes, Bruce Lipton began his career as a cell biologist focusing on molecular mechanisms. Then, with Dr. Ed Schultz, he worked with experimental tissue transplantation techniques later employed in human genetic engineering. But in 1982 he began examining the principles of quantum physics. His discoveries there ran counter to the established scientific views, but have led to the important field of epigenetics. He took his work to the public, and has since become an internationally recognized authority, through his bestselling book The Biology of Belief, and recently, Spontaneous Evolution, as well as his TV and radio appearances, workshops and lecture. Don’t you dare miss this one!