Spacetime With Stuart Gary

S27E28: Lunar Lander's Moonlight Slumber: Odysseus in Schomberger Crater



Become a supporter of this podcast: Space, Astronomy and Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 28 *Odysseus lunar lander placed into sleep mode Intuitive Machines will place their Odysseus Nova-C lunar lander into sleep mode in the hope of waiting out the 15 Earth Day long lunar night following its sideways touch down last week near the Lunar south pole. *The Atlantic Ocean could start to disappear in 20 million years. A new study suggests the Atlantic may ‘soon’ enter its declining phase. The findings reported in the journal Geology are based on new computational models which predict that a subduction zone currently below the Strait of Gibraltar will propagate further inside the Atlantic Ocean and contribute to forming an Atlantic subduction system – an Atlantic ring of fire. *Three new moons discovered around Uranus and Neptune Astronomers have discovered three tiny new moons orbiting the ice giants Uranus and Neptune. *