On The Edge With April Mahoney

Lorie James founder of "Purpose Youth Foundation" join me here On the Edge



Youtube https://youtu.be/sR09BSdFrBk Founder/President https://purposeyouthfoundation.org Our founder Lorie James shares similar experiences with the adolescent girls with whom she serves. Lorie experienced turbulent teenage years, but fought to overcome obstacles that would have stopped many others. As a result, she went on to earn a Master’s degree in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peace Building from California State University, Dominguez Hills. As the driving force of Purpose Youth Foundation her goal is to empower youth-aged girls through mentoring, while teaching etiquette, education, and exposure to the world through life events and travel. Lorie is a world traveler who realizes that travel is one of the best learning experiences. She strives to expose adolescents to these learning experiences so that their enthusiasm for service will be sparked when they realize that there are people less fortunate than them. For the past three consecutive years Lorie has traveled to Kumasi, Ghana with her tea