Revolution Health With Dr. Jason Dean

Brave TV - Feb 1, 2024 - Terral03 From the Black Star Project Joins Me - Coming Catastrophe & NanoHell


Synopsis is dedicated to identifying and sharing the truth about the Holy Scriptures, and Project Black Star to benefit others. The Rothschild-controlled Elite has launched their PlanDemic by releasing the SARS-CoV-2 Binary Biological Weapon using US Army athletes at the Military Olympics held in China in October 2019. George Webb (interview) reveals that the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon (using SPARS 2025 playbook) and Nano Silver-based Vaccine were created at Fort Detrick, MD years ago. The vaccine-driven variants are spreading rapidly within the US (using Illegals, Info, Special Report Video) around the world with variant-mutation strains emerging and projected to mutate into deadly Super Strains. We now know that Vaxxers are infecting Non-Vaxxers with the biological weapon (Special Report Video)!! The Mutagen (second half of binary bioweapon) will be released at the Global International Airports soon (Special Report Video)!! ----- BraveTV Official Website: Store: P