Nonprofit Coach With Ted Hart Podcast

Nonprofit Coach: Secrets of Personalized Philanthropy with Dr. Steven Meyers



Click here for the RADIO LINKS  Click here for People to People He lectures around the world but now is here for you. From the latest in charity news, technology, fundraising and social networking, Ted Hart and his guests help you maneuver to greater levels of efficiency and fundraising success.  PAGE 2 GUEST EXPERT: Steven L. Meyers, Ph.D., is Vice President of the Center for Personalized Philanthropy at the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science. Steve is a primary developer of personalized philanthropy, based on his mantra of “the right gift, for the right purpose, for the right donor.” Steve’s innovative donor-focused gift designs, especially a series of arrangements he calls “killer apps,” combine the full spectrum of current and future gifts so that donors can create a lasting legacy where impact and recognition are able to start up right away. His book, Personalized Philanthropy: Crash the Fundraising Matrix, is available from the publisher at Charity Channel or Amaz