Nonprofit Coach With Ted Hart Podcast

Nonprofit Coach: Expert Lilya Wagner shares Diversity and Philanthropy



Click here for He lectures around the world but now is here for you. From the latest in charity news, technology, fundraising and social networking, Ted Hart and his guests help you maneuver through this economic downturn in the charitable sector to greater levels of efficiency and fundraising success. PAGE 2 GUEST EXPERT:  Lilya Wagner is director of Philanthropic Service for Institutions, a trainer for The Fund Raising School as well as on the philanthropic studies faculty of the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University, and teaches in the graduate program at St. Mary’s University in Minnesota.   Her published books include Careers in Fundraising, winner of the Skystone Ryan Research Prize presented by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), and  Leading Up:  Transformational Leadership for Fundraisers.  She has also had several books published in other areas of interest, such as Women War Correspondents of World War II.  She has been an editor and a columnist as w