This Week In Virology With Vincent Racaniello

TWiV 1089: Shoot out at the Circle-T ranch



TWiV reviews a fatal Alaskapox case, MERS in Kenya, diagnostic tests for Nipah and Lassa diseases, HPV vaccination rates in the US, cases of measles in Arizona and Minnesota, hepatitis C virus-derived RNA circles in infected cells, and prevention of respiratory virus transmission by resident memory CD8+ T cells. Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Alan Dove, and Brianne Barker Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS, email Become a patron of TWiV! Links for this episode MicrobeTV Discord Server MicrobeTV store at Cafepress Become a member of ASV ( Research assistant position in Rosenfeld Lab CBER/FDA (pdf) The New City by Dickson Despommier Viruses of Microbes 2024 Fatal case of Alaskapox (AK Beacon) MERS in Kenya (Emerg Inf Dis) Diagnostic tests for Nipah and Lassa (CEPI) Measles in Arizona and Minnesota HCV-derived circular RNAs (PNAS) Resident memory CD8 T cells prevent respiratory virus transmission (Nature) Letters read on TWiV 1089 1:24:33 Timestamps by Jolene. Thanks