Dolman Law Group Podcast

How Lawyers Combat Human Trafficking



Massive events like the Superbowl bring a lot of buzz and attention to any city hosting it. It will be no different in Tampa, but sadly, there's evidence that these events also attract illegal vices like sex trafficking. In the last Superbowl held in Miami, 40 individuals were arrested for sex trafficking, and they recovered four girls under 18.As the Superbowl comes to Tampa, it's our duty as citizens to say something if we see something. But what do you need to look for, and what are the signs of sex trafficking? Sex traffickers operate on the fringes of legal businesses like the hospitality industry. What you can look out for are cash motel reservations in cash without an ID. Learn more in this David vs. Goliath podcast episode with elite personal injury lawyers Matt Dolman and Stan Gipe. Together, they discuss the problem of sex trafficking during events like the super bowl, how to potentially identify a hotel or motel enabling sex trafficking, how to help a victim, and more. In this episode: [0