Dolman Law Group Podcast

Social Media Is Harming Your Children



Social media is an enjoyable escape from work, school, and general life for many, but it can become addictive and even deadly to some. Over 85 lawsuits have spread across 28 federal circuits alleging that social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok have knowingly utilized algorithms to show adolescents certain content which engenders addiction and causes declining mental health from body dysmorphia to suicide.Stan Gipe explains how social media works to create the same response from their users as slot machines, pulling people back in and staying on the platform as long as they can. The intention is to create a group of addicts by triggering the dopamine receptors, and they’ll do it by any means.Matt Dolman shows that despite knowing the negative effects especially on young people, nothing has changed in the way any social media platforms run their processes. Often a false image of life is pushed on kids from social media, images with no blemishes or problems. Dolman Law is handling