Dolman Law Group Podcast

Trial Tech: Engage Juries and Win More Cases with Kyle Newman



The constant advancement of technology has shifted the world around so much, it often feels like we’re living in a different universe. If they choose, lawyers can now have all of their evidence in one convenient laptop, holding the ability to pull up records in a matter of seconds, to deviate to separate arguments, all while eliminating the headache of carrying boxes of paper up the court steps. Learn more about the positive impact of trial tech on the David vs. Goliath podcast with elite personal injury lawyers Matt Dolman and Stan Gipe and their guest, highly regarded personal injury and medical malpractice attorney Kyle Newman. Matt and Stan explore how the current paper model that most attorneys use feels dated as Kyle speaks about how technology used in trial has evolved, success stories directly connected with technology, and the unlimited potential tech poses for lawyers trying to clearly display their case to a jury.In this episode: [00:27] Matt introduces today’s guest, New York personal injury