Dolman Law Group Podcast

Inside Birth Injury Medical Malpractice



When your child is born the only thing you should worry about is the drive home. You expect that the hospital and doctors in delivery have done everything to the highest standard, performed every test to ensure your child's health, and informed you of any potential problems that happened during labor.If you think your child may have suffered a birth injury then this episode is for you.Find the answers to your medical malpractice questions on the David vs. Goliath podcast with elite personal injury lawyers Matt Dolman and Stan Gipe and their returning guest, successful personal injury and medical malpractice attorney Kyle Newman. Matt and Stan ask the tough questions that parents may be afraid to ask when suspecting an injury occurred at birth, such as the red flags that something may have gone wrong in delivery and what claims may be available to you if you choose to take your case to court.In this episode: [00:27] Matt introduces today’s guest, New York personal injury attorney Kyle Newman [01:41]