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Enemies No More: Using Google and Meta Together for 10x Returns - Part 2



How do you measure the impact of your digital marketing efforts? That's the question that Ralph and Kasim tackle in this episode, where they continue their discussion about attribution. They reveal the hidden pitfalls of data tracking, the dynamic nature of advertising platforms, and the essential role of full-funnel marketing strategies. The episode also emphasizes the importance of being flexible and agile in the digital arena, providing useful tips and tricks for marketers who want to thrive in this competitive space.Chapters:00:00:00 - Welcome: How to Master Digital Marketing and Attribution00:03:03 - The Big Question: How Do You Track Your Marketing Results?00:05:18 - Case Studies: What Works and What Doesn't in Attribution00:07:20 - Deep Dive: Unraveling the Mysteries of Attribution00:09:58 - Recap: The Main Points from the Attribution Talk00:22:22 - Tech Talk: How Regulations Affect Your Marketing Strategy00:24:41 - Google's Match Rate: How to Interpret and Improve It00:27:33 - Cambridge Analytica: Wha